What is the true kitesurf lifestyle? I guess the answer is different for each and every one of us but we can all agree on one thing: it’s the most addictive sport ever! This is my personal story on how kitesurfing inspired me to change my life and get the courage to throw everything around.

The story behind the video

This is my personal story on why I created Wake Up Stoked in the first place and how I threw my life around to kitesurf more. But this video is way more than this: it is here to inspire you to create the life you’ve always only dared to dream about, to shape your reality according to what’s really important to you.

Designing the lifestyle of our dreams

Nowadays we have the freedom to create a life that our parents only dreamed about. Most of us live in such amazing luxury (having enough money for food and a home, doing a sport they love, having friends and family they love) that we can create anything with our lives – if we only dare to take the leap and go for it!

It all evolves around one priority: set the starting point

The key to changing my life so drastically was lying in one little epiphany: find that one thing that you can set as priority, that you won’t question, that is your starting point for all your next moves – at least for a year. What is it you desperately need in your life? Is it a family member? Your kids? A sport? The ocean? Make up your mind. What is it you can’t live without? And then set that one thing/person/activity as the center of your life from which everything evolves. This at least helped me to get started from one point.

The choice you’ll make today doesn’t have to last for a lifetime – just as long as you need it to last!

And remember: this is not a choice you’ll have to live with for the rest of your life. If you change your opinion after a year, that’s totally fine. At least you went with what your heart was asking to. Also keep in mind that deciding for the one thing, e.g. kitesurfing for me, doesn’t mean you neglect the other things like e.g. family. In my case for instance, my family started joining me on my adventures and we spend more quality time now than we did before.

So, what is it you’re waiting for? The time is now! 


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> Still need inspiration on where to go on your next kite adventure?

Check out my detailed spot guides about the destinations I’ve visited so far.

> All settled and ready to pack?

Here are my tips on how to pack and travel best with kitesurf luggage and how to find the best flights when travelling with kiteboard baggage.

> Do you want to know how to combine working remotely with the kitesurf lifestyle?

Check out my article on Kitesurf’n’Work: how to rock the lifestyle as a digital nomad.

Indoor Surfing